Our 2024 commitments – how did we do?
Our environment: we have
- remained carbon neutral
- measured and reduced our carbon emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement, including Scope 1
- maintained carbon neutral or renewable tariffs for electricity
- implemented and rolled out a responsible procurement policy
- maintained our active hives of Buckfast bees on the roofs of our offices and a garden of pollinator-friendly plants at our Putney offices
- received Green Web Foundation verification as a green hosting provider, meaning our website is hosted by data centres using clean, green electricity.
Access to justice: we have
- successfully obtained a new legal aid contract to allow the firm to continue providing legal aid services until at least June 2026.
Our people: we have
- further increased the proportion of female partners from 43% at end June 2023, to 46% at end June 2024
- encouraged improved data capture to assess social mobility performance and explore further measures to improve social mobility within the firm
- implemented the use of standardised structured interview questions and begun to roll these out across the firm to remove unconscious bias as far as possible
- continued to promote positive wellbeing amongst our staff through ongoing initiatives, projects and support services.
Our community: we have
- extended our volunteering scheme firm-wide following a successful pilot
- continued our support and sponsorship of local cultural and sporting institutions.