Summary of our commitments
Our environment
- remain carbon neutral
- measure and reduce our carbon emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement
- replace gas boilers by 2030
- replace commercial fleet (1x vehicle) with an electric vehicle by 2024 and electrify car fleet
- maintain carbon neutral or renewable tariffs for electricity
- review and replace where required existing solar panels
- develop and launch a procurement policy and supplier checklist
Our pursuit of justice
- maintain our commitment to legally aided work equating to 5% of our client work revenue in 2023
Our people
- increase female partners over time
- maintain policy on the use of gender-neutral language in all communications
- provide disability awareness training for visible and non-visible disabilities and encourage the disclosure of conditions to enable us to offer appropriate support
- explore ways to provide work experience opportunities to those who may have mental health or learning difficulties
- implement biennial mandatory unconscious bias training
- encourage improved data capture to assess social mobility performance and undertake measures to improve social mobility within the firm
- continue to promote positive wellbeing amongst our staff through ongoing initiatives, projects and support services
- double trained mental health first aiders (from 4 to 8)
Our communities
- establish a firm charity and community group to oversee and develop our initiatives in this area and develop a more strategic approach