Our 2023 Commitments – how did we do?
In our Responsible Business Report 2022 we set out our commitments for 2023. We have met the following commitments since then:

Our environment: we have
- remained carbon neutral
- measured and reduced our carbon emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement
- maintained carbon neutral or renewable tariffs for electricity
- reviewed and replaced where required existing solar panels
- developed and launched a procurement policy

Our pursuit of justice: we have
- maintained our commitments to legally aided work equating to 5% of our client work revenue in 2023

Our people: we have
- increased female partners over the year
- maintained a policy on the use of gender-neutral language in all communications
- provided disability awareness training for visible and non-visible disabilities and encouraged the disclosure of conditions to enable us to offer appropriate support
- implemented biennial mandatory unconscious bias training
- encouraged improved data capture to assess social mobility performance
- continued to promote positive wellbeing amongst our staff through ongoing initiatives, projects and support services

Our communities: we are
- in the process of establishing a firm charity and community group to oversee and create our initiatives in this area and develop a more strategic approach